A blog of lessons for life

I am committed to your journey and want to share all I can to help you transform!
6 Ways To Powerfully & Efficiently Deal With Grief

6 Ways To Powerfully & Efficiently Deal With Grief

Everybody faces grief at some points in their lives, so it helps to understand how to powerfully and efficiently deal with grief. Let us start off by defining what Grief is. Grief is a universal, natural response to any kind of loss that human beings face. Loss is part of a person’s everyday life. For every good action or deed that a person performs; there is an equal amount of negative emotion such as grief and loss. The word grief has its origin in the Old French word ‘grever’ meaning ‘to burden’. Being a burden on someone is not something we all like to be. It is not ideal for a lot of people, and in a lot of instances. The pain they attach to their grief is overwhelming! Another layer to this thought- process would be with regards to how individuals process situations emotionally. It is important to understand that people are on their designated path, and it becomes essential for us to be patient with people we care about. People adopt different techniques to deal with their emotions-specifically grief. Here is a list of 6 ways that will empower you to handle grief! Six Ways of Dealing with Grief: I. Acknowledge Your Pain This is the first and most important step in the grief management process. People face facts, deal with emotions, and process pain in a specific way. All the other person can do is lend ears, that is, be empathetic listeners. Once you listen to both

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Non Verbal Communication

Why Non-Verbal Communication Matters So Much In Your Personal Relationships

Have you ever wondered why a person misunderstood what you were saying, or why someone did not quite react the way you expected? Sometimes we can misread certain cues while communicating with people. This has a lot to do with the way we communicate and more specifically, how we follow the communication process. We all know that communication is about giving and taking, so it is important to take a look at what messages you send when you interact with others. We all know that relationships are built on trust and honesty, to create a healthy environment. However, non-verbal cues seem to be an oft-ignored part of maintaining these relationships. You need to build strong non-verbal communication skills, to boost your personal and professional life. The first step towards understanding communication is to grasp the concept of two types of communication, namely, verbal and non-verbal. These simply mean that we communicate through spoken sounds, as well as in a visual and non-audible way too. Taking a look at these types of non-verbal communication will help you to improve your style and make changes. So here’s what we mean by “non-verbal communication”. Non-verbal communication most often includes the use of body language, eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and voice tone. On the other hand, verbal communication refers to text, signs or speech when expressing yourself. However, non-verbal communication tells a lot about your style of interacting with others. Once you have learned how to use these non-verbal cues, you will be

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How to Connect with Yourself and Find the True You

How to Connect with Yourself and Find the True You

In a world with a thousand different influences like media, culture, religion etc., opinions spewing from left and right, it becomes easy to disconnect with our inner voice. People get caught up in the collective consciousness and misunderstand these beliefs as their own. Set-aside all these belief-systems the question of ‘who am I arises?’ Knowing oneself is a fairly ambiguous statement. So what does it mean? It means understanding your values and dedicating time to things that matter to you. It means saying no when an opportunity doesn’t align with what you want. It means being transparent with yourself about the good and the bad. If you’re feeling confused, consider the tips below to get back on track and in tune with your authentic self. 1. Understand your values Society often tells us what we should value or want. You should have a full-time job by ‘x’ age, or you can only be happy if have ‘x’. This often steers us away from what genuinely matters to us as individuals. Take a moment and ask yourself what truly brings you joy. When was the last time you felt fulfillment? After some reflection, you’ll begin to understand your values and your passions. With clarity on what these are, you’ll have an easier time making decisions that are authentic to you. 2. Look at the people who surround you While we can’t control the family we were born into, we control the people we allow in our lives. A large part of

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