A blog of lessons for life

Starting Your Day The Right Way: The Importance of a Morning Routine
Do you scoff at the importance of a morning routine? How do you begin your day? Do you spend your first few moments hitting the snooze button or getting up to start the day? Whether we choose to believe it or not, the way you spend the beginning can shape the rest of your day. Bettina Koster, certified holistic coach, suggests changing habits is the starting point of your journey towards improved mental and physical health. Before that, let us take a look at why the start of your day is important. To Live with purpose Having a proper beginning to your day fills you with a sense of purpose and in the long run, it will enable you to have a productive day. Morning routines allow you to set intentions for the day, and think about your life goals and how you would like to further your personal growth. Clear the mind Each day offers a new reset on life matters and taking the time, in the beginning, to clear up your mind of yesterday’s activities is crucial. Have a little peaceful time with yourself before you start the daily routine to set the right tone. 3 Tips by certified holistic coach on what are some good ways to start the day? Dedicate some time to spending moments in a state of mindfulness and think about what you want to achieve or what you would like to improve about yourself. Meditation is often considered a healthy early morning practice

4 Rules for Being Better at Relationships
Wondering how you can be better at relationships and make your connection with others healthier and more positive? As a leading provider of emotional coaching and stress management in UAE we explain that building better relationships may seem easy to some on the outside, but a good relationship takes time and dedication. You can make a huge change in how you treat others close to you with these simple rules as guided by any expert emotional coaching and stress management coach in UAE: 1. Be You This means being authentic, open, and honest with your partner. You need to be willing to be vulnerable and show your partner who you are. You should also be willing to have a conversation about things that are bothering both of you so that the relationship can grow stronger. 2. Keep up the Communication Over time communication levels between people can start to diminish because of suppressed emotions and unexpressed opinions. Both partners must speak their minds when it comes to issues in the relationship, even if they do not like what they hear. If one person is holding back on sharing their thoughts or feelings, that is when problems tend to occur in relationships. 3. Be Dependable The third rule for being better at relationships is being dependable, especially when it comes to honesty. If someone does not feel like they can trust their partner or they feel like they are not getting enough love, then this could cause problems in the relationship

4 Helpful Ways You Can Tackle Anxiety
You need to learn ways to tackle anxiety if you’ve ever been in a situation where you felt like the full weight of the world was weighng on your shoulders. Expert Holistic Health Coach, Bettina Koster, explains that for most people, the occasional bout of anxiety is normal, others experience anxiety on a more regular basis and it can be a mentally trying time. When handled with care and the right knowledge, anyone can find healthy ways to cope with anxiety. Here are some ways any health holistic coach would suggest to deal with anxiety positively: Anxiety can cause much deeper problems such as insomnia and sleeplessness. If you want to tackle anxiety, it is important to prioritise sleep and get enough nap time during the day and REM sleep at night. Anxiety symptoms can be triggered by many things, including stress, lack of sleep, or even thinking about something that makes you anxious. Identifying what sets your anxiety off is the first step toward getting rid of it. For example, if you fight with your partner or sibling every time you turn around and you can not help feeling frustrated, then try to make changes in those situations so that you do not feel so angry or frustrated. Any holistic health coach will tell you that the first step to tackling anxiety is to follow relaxation techniques. Anxiety is like an alarm clock that wakes you up and tells your body that something is wrong.

4 Ways You Can Build a Life of Happiness and Fulfillment
Learning how to build a life of happiness and fulfillment is a journey. We might not have the reasons explaining why we have not found satisfaction, yet finding and opening the key to valid and enduring joy is something we owe to ourselves. To help you achieve a sense of happiness Blooming Key suggests success coaching and fulfillment coaching to help you find satisfaction. Here are just some of the most important ways to achieve a sense of happiness and fulfillment. We spend so much time focused on the problems that we forget about the things that make us happy. But if we are going to build a life of happiness and fulfillment, we need to remember what truly brings us joy. As most success coaching teachers will tell you, focusing on life goals will offer great benefits in the long run. Not only does it put things in perspective, but it also allows you to gain confidence in the journey you are taking and the path you are creating. It can be difficult to accept when you have made mistakes or when something does not happen the way you expected. Even so, learning to accept such situations will greatly lift your mood. It means trusting that everything happens for a reason, even if it seems crazy at the time. It means believing in miracles and giving up on trying to predict the future because you cannot know what is going to happen next anyway. There is no better investment

A Brief Guide on Communication Skills You Need to Master
There are some fundamental communication skills you need need to master to enable you to be a good leader and teammate in any kind of situation. These skills are also an essential part of building better relationships with others and getting them on board with your ideas. Here are a few points suggested by a certified life coach online to help you master communication skills. For proper communication to take place, active listening needs to happen. This simply means that you need to not only hear what the person is saying to you but also follow their train of thought and be able to recall the main ideas of the conversation. Everything that happens non-verbally is a key part of communicating. Non-verbal communication is at the heart of mastering making connections with others. It simply means using body language to show others how you feel about something. To learn how to better execute these non-verbal communication skills, you can seek the assistance of a certified life coach online. When emotions run high, it is easy for people to misunderstand each other or get triggered by what they perceive as an attack or insult. There are several ways you can manage your own emotions while communicating with others, such as keeping them in check before speaking up and acknowledging when someone else has feelings too. Empathy is another important skill for leaders who want their teams to work well together. Being empathetic will help make people feel understood by others which

1. Anxiety Exercise: Shift Your Thoughts
Often when we start thinking one anxious thought another follows quickly and the more we think these negative thoughts the worst we feel and the worst we feel the more destructive thoughts coming up. It is like a downward spiral were we can feel ourselves slipping into a lower mood. It can be hard to think clearly when this happens. These unhealthy way of thinking can make us believe harmful thoughts that are untrue or make us do things that make our anxiety worse. It can be helpful to break or interrupt your anxious thoughts so you can think clearly and react appropriately to your thoughts. If endless worry is a problem for you and the described scenario sounds too familiar, it’s good to become aware of this kind of behavior and stop the anxious thought cycle. In this video you find four ways to interrupt your destructive thought process: If you have further questions or need more support pls contact me.