A blog of lessons for life

Setting Boundaries in Relationships: Valuable Points You Need to Know
You’re probably needing to set boundaries in relationships if you’ve ever felt like you need space and time apart from someone even though you are close emotionally. Firstly, let us get one thing right. Setting boundaries is not like cutting off contact or distancing yourself from a person. It simply means that there will be limits that are not to be crossed. When boundaries in relationships are set, there is a sort of imaginary line distinguishing one person’s thoughts, behaviour, and feelings from another. Each relationship has its own set of boundaries established. And it is important to understand that having boundaries is healthy. So what are some valuable points for setting boundaries in a relationship? A key point is that you should seek to make changes in yourself, and not try to change the other person. Trying to change someone else’s behaviour is not the correct way to set boundaries. You need to adjust your behaviour with others. Communication is the key How can you bridge the gap between two people? The answer lies with communication. Speaking to the other person is crucial to set boundaries. Talk about your emotions and what makes you comfortable. Communication offers a chance to explain why you have a certain boundary and it opens up topics for discussion. Be honest What they say about honesty is true, it is the best policy, especially when it comes to boundary building. Be honest about what you are comfortable with and what you expect. Enforcing established

A Quick Guide to Dealing with Anger and Fear in Children
Dealing with anger and fear in children can feel like navigating a minefield. Does your child seem angrier than usual or are you struggling to understand why they are acting fearful? Sometimes it can be really difficult to know exactly what is going on with your child, especially if communication is at an all-time low. In most cases, anger in children tends to stem from internal fear that lies hidden deep within. When dealing with anger and fear in children , it is best to approach the situation with compassion and understanding for the difficulties your child may be going through. Always remember to respond in a supportive and solution-focused manner. Here are a few things that you can do to alleviate the situation: Have some control over the aggressiveness One way to keep a check on aggressive behavior is to simply be accepting and empathize with the child so that they learn that it is alright to experience such emotions. Approaching the situation with compassion and understanding for the difficulties the child may be facing is effective in creating calmness and will result in toning down the aggressiveness. Acknowledge your child’s emotions You must control your feelings first so that you can begin to calm your child. When you have your emotions under control, you need to acknowledge your child’s feelings so that they can begin to calm down. The goal here is to make your child feel safe enough to experience vulnerable emotions such as anger and fear.

Life Is Good – Increase Your Happiness Levels
The good news is that you can increase your happiness levels! Have you ever thought to yourself “how do people stay happy”? Well, the answers all depend on your willingness and ability to recognise certain things that only you can change about your life. You can take refuge in the fact that unhappiness is quite a common occurrence, or take a look at some simple ways to kick-start your journey into a happier living. Choose To Have A Positive Outlook It may not seem like it sometimes, but choosing to look at things from a more positive perspective can alter how you feel about life in general. At times this can be one of the hardest changes to make, especially if you are used to taking a pessimist view on things. However, taking the positive approach helps you to build forgiveness and gratitude. And with increased practice, you will find yourself being on a happier plane of existence and more satisfied with your life. Take Up Meditation When we think of meditation, we imagine a person sitting calmly with a peaceful expression across their face. But on the internal side, what does it involve? The process of meditation includes clearing your mind of all worry and simply focusing on the present moment. Accepting who you are is part and parcel of this step, to make a real change to your levels of happiness. Practicing Kindness You may be wondering how showing kindness to others can boost your happiness levels. However,

Learn How You Can Cope and Manage Your Stress Levels in 3 Simple Ways
At some point everybody needs to cope and manage stress levels – it’s a normal part of navigating life. Have you ever met a person who has not had a stressful period in their life? The answer to this question is most definitely, no. we all have to deal with stressful situations in life, whether it is early on or more frequently than most people do. Even if you are a relatively calm and easy-going person, odds are that at some point there will be some occasions that disrupt your flow. The key to dealing with stress lies in being able to cope with it. Avoid jumping to conclusions Do you find yourself picturing dozens of other alternatives a situation could have happened? Such over-active thinking is a huge part of the cause of stress. The moment you find yourself contemplating all of the various possibilities that things could have taken, stop yourself. It can be hard to do but making a regular practice of this will build the strength you need to cope with stress. Learn to let yourself experience certain situations and people with your guard down. This will help create a peaceful state of mind with activities that you previously found stressful. Learn to focus Telling a person to focus when they experience stress sounds odd, doesn’t it? However, harnessing your attention to focus on the present moment is one powerful way of dealing with stressful situations. Not being able to focus is a common occurrence during

4 Important Ways How Coaching Will Help You
If you’re looking for ways to improve your life, you may be contemplating how coaching will help you and what kind of benefits coaching sessions offer. Participating in coaching sessions has major personal as well as professional gains. The active process works much more smoothly when people actively engage with their coaches. This helps to bring about positive results in the areas that the person needs assistance. It is quite obvious that if you opt for these sessions, you will have to come in with an open mind to witness the usefulness of coaching. Increases Self-awareness As basic as it may seem, coaching will help you to have a better understanding of yourself. While we may feel like we see ourselves in a specific situation clearly, there are always many perspectives to one situation. In this way, a coach offering a new perspective is useful in showing how a situation can be perceived differently so we gain a clearer understanding about ourselves. Move Towards Your Goals For some people coaching provides the much-needed push they may require. This assistance helps them to move towards achieving their goals. Before this stage, you need to sit down with your coach to identify these goals whether they are professional or personal. Supportive Environment Having a strong support system in the form of a coach is more beneficial than you may think because support is hard to come by at times. The support and guidance given by your coach will help you on the

4 Fantastic Benefits of Starting to Write A Journal
Have you ever heard others talk about journaling, and wondered whether there are any benefits of starting to write a journal, recording the events of your day? This blog will explain what journaling is and how it will benefit you. There are a few reasons why people recommend journaling, whether you are a therapist or a school teacher, since the benefits are huge and can do a lot to uplift your emotional wellbeing. 1. Get your creativity flowing For those in specific job positions, you will surely realise the value of your creativity at the workplace. Maintaining a particular level of creativity can be crucial to delivering your best performance at the end of each day. Writing down your thoughts is a great way of getting the creative juices flowing again. This is where the benefits of journaling can be seen in helping to keep up your creative flow. 2. Become better at writing As you keep writing, your ability to put thoughts down will become second nature to you and thoughts will begin flowing with ease. You will get better at writing without fearing grammatical or spelling errors holding you back. In general, your writing skills will improve considerably, allowing you to communicate freely no matter whether the setting is formal or informal. 3. Gaining confidence When you put your thoughts to paper more often, you will become more confident in your writing ability. Developing a habit of writing in your journal allows you to gradually break free of